Blessed Angels Academy is here for you and your child's needs. Please view our lists of services that we accept and help provide to the families of our students.
Blessed Angels Academy provides children with transportation via bus if needed. Children will have a scheduled pick up and drop off time. All emergency contact numbers will be on the bus with the bus driver.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there will be no bus transportation until further notice
The following will be used in referring parents to appropriate social, educational and mental/medical health services for their children should the program staff feel that an assessment for such additional services would benefit the child.
a. An educator having any concerns about a particular child in her class will keep a folder with daily documented observations of the child. After observing and recording the child's behavior the staff member, director and parent will meet to determine if additional services are necessary
b. The director will maintain a written record of any referrals, including the parent conferences and results. A referral checklist will be kept in the child's records along with the observation reports.
Please see our Director or Owner for more information.