Frequently Asked Questions...
Question: Is there a registration fee?
Answer: Yes, there is a one time registration fee of $40.00 that is needed at the time of enrollment
Question: Do we pay if our child is sick/on vacation?
Answer: Yes
Question: What are the teacher to child ratios?
Answer: Preschool: 1 teacher/10, Toddler Preschool: 2 teachers/9, Infant Toddler: 1 teacher/4, School Age: 1 teacher/13
Question: Are all of the staff given a CORI/background check?
Answer: Yes
Question: Is there a late fee?
Answer: Yes, $1 per minute per child after closing time.
Question: Are you closed for the summer?
Answer: No, open all four seasons
Question: How will I be notified if the center has to close in an emergency?
Answer: If you call our center before 6:00am, the voicemail will tell you if we are opening our doors for the day or closing.
Question: Do I need to bring food for my child?
Answer: No, we provide breakfast, lunch, and snack at scheduled times.
Question: Can I provide my own food?
Answer: Not while our COVID-19 policies are active unless there is a medical reason.
Question: In what event will the center be closed? Do you close for weather?
Answer: Center is only closed for state of emergencies due to weather or natural disasters.
Question: Should I stop in or call for an appointment?
Answer: We do have an open door policy but appointments are encouraged in order for us to be sure of availability.
Question: How many staff members CPR and first aid certified?
Answer: All members of our staff are first aid certified and five members are CPR certified.
Question: Do you welcome parent involvement? Can I stop by unannounced?
Answer: We encourage parent involvement and we do have an open door policy. However, we ask to take in the routine of the child's day into account before coming in.