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Blessed Angels Academy offers a variety of programs to best suit your child's age and development level.  

surprised baby
Infant Care Program

(1 month - 15 months)


Blessed Angels Academy infants are cared for in a bright, clean, fresh, wholesome environment designed for maximum comfort and exploration. Staff provides loving, interactive and stimulating activities with developmentally appropriate play equipment. Our infant program encourages socialization and language development as well as activities which promote large and small motor skills. We follow a curriculum which provides many fun art projects, small and gross motor exercises, and books we read from our library. If you breastfeed, you must make sure your infant can feed from a bottle before or by enrollment. Staff ratio is 1:3.


Each infant has his/her own crib designation and are placed on their backs to sleep. Rooms are furnished with a diaper changing center and a separate hand-washing station nearby. Parents provide all diapers (disposable only), wipes, pre-made bottles (labeled with child's name), breakfast and lunch foods, and an extra set of weather appropriate clothing. Staff is required to wear slippers upon entering the infant room to provide a healthy, sanitary environment for babies in our center. Staff members present daily reports to parents regarding their child's activities, feedings and changes.

Kids Playing with Lego
Toddler Program 
(15 months - 2.9 years) 

When Blessed Angels Academy's babies are more developed and begin walking, they are ready to transition from our infant care to the program we have established for toddlers. Our toddler program is designed to accommodate the developmental needs of this age group. Activities, equipment and environment are geared to the inquisitive child who is entering the world of change. We provide age-appropriate resources and training to meet the needs of this developmental stage. We have circle-time, weather, date, letter of the week/day, color of the week/day and many songs to accentuate the fun of learning. Parents provide all disposable diapers, wipes, and extra weather-appropriate clothing. Daily reports encourage communication and a chance for parents to share their child's experience. Staff/child ratio is 1:4.

Preschool Teacher and Students
Preschool Program
(3 years - 4.9 years)

The Blessed Angels Preschool Program focuses on a child's natural creativity and curiosity for the world. The children take part in teacher-directed projects and activities such as singing, finger plays, stories, and arts and crafts. They participate in fine motor skill activities such as coloring, cutting, painting, pasting, printing and manipulatives. Children also enjoy gross motor activities including ball playing, climbing, dancing, jumping, running, and skipping


We promote experiences through many hands-on discovery tasks in learning centers such as reading and readiness, library and puppets, math and science, arts and crafts, music and movement, manipulatives center, and dramatic play.


Exploring, problem solving, and skill mastery is all part of the Blessed Angels Academy's Preschool Program. Parents provide all diapers (if still needed), wipes, and extra weather-appropriate clothing.

Fashion Kids
School Age Program
(5 years - 13 years) 

Blessed Angels provides care for all children ages to 5 to 13 before and after school and full time care for summer vacations and public school closings. We provide fun activities, homework help, and encourage social interactions amongst peers.



Kids in Preschool
Summer Program

Our Summer Program at Blessed Angels Academy is designed to enhance the school year experiences with a lighter, camp-like atmosphere. Field trips, picnics, barbeques, and sports add more fun and excitement during this wonderful time of year. We also incorporate experiences such as Petting Zoos, Bubble Bounce, and other fun suprises!

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